SK Gaming
In a legacy spanning more than two decades, SK Gaming has won more than 75 major championship titles and achieved a rich history of competitive success across various games and genres. Through the partnership with LeetDesk, SK Gaming is taking their equipment to a new level and aims to further improve their competitiveness in gaming.
“Our mission is to equip our brand-new flagship player location in Cologne with the best equipment for competitive success. LeetDesk offers us and our players the flexibility to adjust each desk for maximum comfort and optimal playing conditions, making them an excellent partner." - SK Gaming
SK Gaming, known for their exceptional skills and dedication in the esports arena, embodies the qualities we value at LeetDesk. As they continue to conquer the esports world, we stand by their side, providing high-quality gaming desks that perfectly complement the abilities of SK Gaming.
It's the ultimate combination of superb gaming expertise and unique, ergonomic gaming equipment. Together, we reach an entirely new level!